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"Online (Postal) Lead Generation is changing the face of Direct Mail"​


CEO Contact Marketing Inc.

“A buyer will always buy, an inquirer will always inquire” that is the motto that we, the classic list brokers lived by. Yes, occasionally we would use "inquiry lists" and "survey data", but they were always a secondary source with response rates that paled in comparison to the catalog buyers and magazine subscribers. Well, times have changed and with the technological advancement of online lead generation, the roles that these sources of prospects have changed as well, in fact, they have reversed.

In a recent campaign of one of our healthcare mailers, we went back and tested most, if not all of what the industry considered the “AAA” lists of catalog buyers and magazine subscribers, it was an All-Star parade of the best, but, we also included the few Online Generated postal lists that “penetrated” our list market. Only a few months later, the only lists that we are using on a weekly basis are those “New Kids on the block” - lists with real prospects and a vast number of data-points for fine-tuned targeting.

Contact Marketing were the first to introduce Online Generated Postal lists We definitely came a long way to see these types of “inquirers” surpass the best buyers and subscribers.

I am calling all seasoned mailers in the financial, insurance, healthcare or education verticals who are looking for more and better sources of mailing lists, and all the l lead generation companies looking to create a new profit center from their aged postal leads, to come together and create the most lucrative marketplace and match the best campaigns to the most targeted markets by way of the most responsive marketing channel – Direct Mail.

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