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Direct Mail & the COVID-19 Market


CEO Contact Marketing Inc

While most US consumers are learning, working and yes, shopping from home, I want to discuss the effect a stay-home market has on Direct Mail and more importantly, what effect can Direct Mail have on the home-bound consumer. 20 years ago (literally), a year before the Internet opened to the public in 1991, it would make sense that a home-ridden market would cause direct mail response to skyrocket. But today with the overwhelming increase of online shoppers, one would think that shoppers, who are not hitting the physical stores or malls, will find refuge in browsing virtually and shop online. In this blog I would like to illuminate the benefits of Direct Mail to explain why we are seeing a movement in the B2C mail stream and why our mailbox is starting to see catalogs that we have not seen in years. Examining the reasons why people would shop in-store rather online or at least, what has become the more popular trend of “See in store, buy online”, Here are some of the findings:

· Touch and feel - To see, touch, feel and try out items is the top reason why consumers choose to shop in physical stores versus online. · Take a break from digital - Taking a break from the screen will help you bring balance to your digital and real-world lives. Soaking up real time instead of screen time will ease anxiety, increase happiness, · Connect to the outside world – Being cooped up in the office all day, one feels the need to connect to the outside world. So, going out to the local store or driving to the mall for a little window-shopping expedition accomplished just that. That was all true during the “Good Ol’ Days” when going to the mall was a viable option. But, what about today? Well, if you are a B2C marketer, you should take advantage of this situation and provide good quality direct mail offers. Your stay-at-home consumer is looking forward to that Direct Mail piece (Whether it is a catalog, magazine or any other attractive and well executed piece) if for no other reason than taking a break from his or her digital device to touch, feel and embrace this physical piece from the outside world.

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